This release holds the record of serving as the latest release of Minecraft: Java Edition for the longest time, at 303 days between its release on Septemand the release of Java Edition 1.13 on July 18, 2018.This is the last full release to use the panoramic background from Beta 1.8, as all of the subsequent updates had backgrounds related to the theme of the respective update.As such, most people who play with mods primarily play on this version. This is widely considered the most modded version of Minecraft Java to date, with far over 46,000 released mods as of September, 2021.On April 1, 2018, all textures in 1.12.2 were temporarily replaced – they were changed to include a smaller range of colors, falsely told to be the new textures previously announced (as a joke for April Fools).MC-121292 – Error: Could not find or load main class .Main.MC-120611 – Player stuck in grass path when it changes to dirt.MC-120593 – Items stay in crafting grid when entering nether portal.MC-120444 – Almost any entity inside farmland gets teleported when it turns into dirt.MC-118976 – Landing on farmland gets you stuck in flight mode.MC-104259 – Player / mob stuck on farmland while it changes to dirt.MC-91803 – Cave / ambiance music can play far away from the player and is not audible.MC-86850 – Ender Pearling through a nether portal in the over-world tp's you to the portals nether coordinates but in the overworld.MC-79154 – Hoppers occasionally duplicate items (within chunks).MC-15152 – Standing in a nether portal and opening a chest will render the chest open until another chest is opened.This subtitle is a separate texture.įixes 12 issues fixed From released versions before 1.12.2 Changed the menu screen logo to have the subtitle " Java Edition ".