Search YouTube for the following contractors to see some examples from my country : Loonbedrijf Engberts (Vriezenveen), Loonbedrijf Wemekamp (Hellendoorn), Tolkamp Agri Service (Aalten), Loonbedrijf Mulder Eykelenkamp (Nieuwleusen), Grasdrogerij Ruinerwold, OTP Echten I think you might be confusing it with a combine, which in most cases can't fold up the header, although there is a contractor that has a foldable Geringhoff Harvest Star on his combine.įor opening up the field when harvesting maize some contractors just hook up the silage trailer behind the forage harvester, also trailed bunkers and even balers are sometimes seen. Not entirely true, where I live the headers of the forage harvesters are never on a trailer, they stay on the harvester all season and fold them up for transport (biggest one in the area is a 12-row maize header on a Krone BigX)

They are all side tippers that dump on the groundĪlso the Adurante 200a which is a back tipper The Brandeske Strourny a Slvearny BSS P73SH The Trailers I have tested that can be towed and collect Chafe from the NH forage harvester so far are: I hope with Course-play or Auto Drive to cart the Harvested Chafe to the bunker its going to work pretty well Once the headlands are done it the crash rate will drop

I think with key binds for the Follow me controls to stop, start, and wait, or perhaps even keyboard macros to set up a tractor to the correct offsets it may be reasonably easy to get a system going to Run a Forage harvester and chaser and cart to a Silage bunker. I am currently working out how to use follow me with offsets to run a forage harvester and following tractor with a trailer. The large Sugar cane trailer will work but is a 60000+ liter side tipper so unloading it in a field will be interesting, it may work if the Carting tractors swap it out all the time to unload at the Bunker. It does hitch to the NH though, but wont accept chaff from the NH forage harvester.

The trailers in game that do work are happy accidents rather than true to real life usage, Though I wonder about the Krone Cargo which is a real life Trailer and has a Mod available (converted from FS17?) that will work only with Krone harvesters. It appears that in the Real World towing a trailer with a forage harvester is usually limited to the harvester header trailer they are not intended to pull heavy trailers for harvest.

I was looking for information on this too.