By the time we made the third one, we proved that it wasn't such good commerce. There's nothing wrong with good commerce, provided it is good commerce. All we were doing is promising a diversion. But they're as cynical as a crossword puzzle. See how a cross is formed on a map? Well, it's sort of a cross.' Those are delightful scavenger hunts that are about as accurate to history as the James Bond movies are to espionage. "I mean, Dan Brown, God bless him, says, 'Here is a sculpture in a place in Paris! No, it's way over there. The Da Vinci Code was hooey," Hanks shared with The New York Times Magazine. Yeah, those Robert Langdon sequels are hooey. The character was recently revived for the Peacock series Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery thriller novel by Dan Brown.It is Browns second novel to include the character Robert Langdon: the first was his 2000 novel Angels & Demons. Hanks followed The Da Vinci Code with the films Angels & Demons and Inferno.

The release of author Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code took the world by storm, resulting in a major success at the box office when Tom Hanks brought the code-breaking Robert Langdon to life, though Hanks himself looks back on those stories as being a bit of "hooey." While Hanks has become one of the most beloved and acclaimed actors in history, even he admitted that the cinematic world of that character was motivated more by commercial decisions than narrative ones.